Packages in development:

starwarssay::say("I'm Your Father", by = "darth_vader")  
##  ----------- 
## I'm Your Father 
##  ----------- 
##     \   
##      \
##                         .-.
##                        |_:_|
##                       /(_Y_)\
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##               |   \  |  '.   :    \ |
##               /       \  :. .;       |
##              /     |   |  :__/     :  \
##             |  |   |    "   | \  |   ||
##            /   \  : :  |:   /  |__|   /|
##        snd |     : : :_/_|  /'._  '--|_
##            /___.-/_|-'   \  \
starwarssay::say("Prrrr", by = "R2D2") 
##  ---------- 
## Prrrr 
##  ---------- 
##     \   
##      \
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##        |__ --==|
##        [  ]  :[|
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##  snd /___\ /___\
starwarssay::say("Arrested", by = "stormtrooper")
##  -------------- 
## Arrested 
##  -------------- 
##     \   
##      \
##                              ,ooo888888888888888oooo,
##                            o8888YYYYYY77iiiiooo8888888o
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##                         7888878^ ^8788^;;;;;;^878^ ^878877
##                           777888o8888^;ii;;ii;^888o87777
starwarssay::say("Imperial March", by = "at_at_walker")
##  -------------------- 
## Imperial March 
##  -------------------- 
##     \   
##      \
##                 ________
##            _..-Y  |  |  Y-._
##        .-~`   ||  |  |  |   `-.
##        I`  ``==´|` !`´! ´|´[]´´|    _____
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##            [_L]         [_L]  -Row  (the Ascii-Wizard of Oz)
##           / .. \       / .. \
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Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP) dataset
  • seekerBio a R package for gen/SNP search information

## Warning: Strategy 'multiprocess' is deprecated in future (>= 1.20.0). Instead,
## explicitly specify either 'multisession' or 'multicore'. In the current R
## session, 'multiprocess' equals 'multisession'.
## Warning in supportsMulticoreAndRStudio(...): [ONE-TIME WARNING] Forked
## processing ('multicore') is not supported when running R from RStudio
## because it is considered unstable. For more details, how to control forked
## processing or not, and how to silence this warning in future R sessions, see ?
## parallelly::supportsMulticore

  • qualitycheck a R package for the organization of lots of pharmaceutical products
  • Co-author of mxearthquakes a R package that shows the data of earthquakes in Mexico from 1900 to date.
mxearthquakes::ploteq("Veracruz", 2003)